Stronger consultation needed for ACT Government budget announcements
Media release
The Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT (MHCC ACT) welcomes the $26 million package announced today, but highlights a lack of consultation with sector peaks around the funding support announcements made throughout COVID-19 crisis.
Bec Cody, MHCC ACT CEO, states “This package has come at a critical time for those most vulnerable in Canberra. Support for the community sector reflects an understanding of the crucial role these organisations play in on-the-ground support in time of crisis.”
“For the community sector, increased indexation rates to annual grant funding means that we can assure fair pay for staff without impacting services delivered. This funding should be built into the system to make sure the community sector can employ staff at the level needed to provide vital services to the community. In the mental health sector, we see this as vitally important, to ensure funding covers the need for properly trained and accredited staff to support the needs of our consumers.”
Bec Cody states “This announcement comes off the back of much needed mental health supports announced last month. Whilst these announcements were welcomed, they were announced with no consultation with some peak body organisations for the sector. This is disappointing as the Mental Health Community Coalition works very hard to represent the needs of the community mental health organisations who are delivering services to people in need every day.”
“We do applaud increases to specialist housing support, including supported accommodation for people living with psychosocial disability. And we are also very pleased with the increased funding to support suicide prevention, intervention, postvention and aftercare for our First Nations people in Canberra. But these decisions need to be made with appropriate consultation processes for a stronger overview of what the sector is calling for.”
A full breakdown of funding allocation under this $26 million package can be seen in media release from Chief Minister Andrew Barr.
Media Contact: Bec Cody, Chief Executive Officer
(02) 5104 7716,
Communications Officer: Alison Hall, (02) 5104 7711
MHCC ACT is the peak body for community-managed mental health services in the ACT. Find out more about MHCC ACT at