ACT Mental Health Sector Update: 3 May 2024
Dear friends,
During the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure and privilege of meeting more members. I am in awe of their dedication, commitment, and efforts in what can only be described as challenging times.
The breadth and complexity of services offered to the Canberra community are nothing short of amazing, and all add to creating a more mentally healthy Canberra. I’d like to personally thank you for the tremendous work you’re doing. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
In April, the team and I developed our 2024 Election Platform, under our four advocacy pillars of Loneliness, Perinatal Mental Health, Climate Change, and Justice. We have formulated a draft, which will be circulated to members for comments early in May, then with our advocacy hats on, we’ll get in front of as many of the relevant Ministers, MLAs, and government representatives as possible, to communicate our requests.
On Wednesday the 1st of May, also World Maternal Mental Health Day, we held an online meeting for members and introduced Dr Sarah Miller, the new Deputy Coordinator General at the Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Working with Dr. Elizabeth Moore, Dr Miller has extensive experience in and a deep passion for mental health, and we are delighted to have someone of her expertise on side.
In other news, our Policy, Advocacy & Media Manager, Erin recently spoke at the Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change, and Biodiversity. Erin referred to our January 2024 submission: Inquiry into Climate Change and a Just Transition. You can find a recording of the hearing on the Legislative Assembly’s page. (you can hear what Erin had to say at the 3:27 mark).
Lastly, we are holding our final two sessions of Politics Training with Louise Crossman from Counsel House. Louise has been consulting to MHCC ACT this year and her wealth of knowledge of the political landscape has been both fascinating and enlightening! Open to our members, Louise provides excellent insight into the workings of the ACT Legislative Assembly in preparation for the election this October. For more information, please email admin@mhccact.org.au.
Have a good few weeks, till next time…
– Vicky Choice, Director of Engagement and Partnerships MHCC ACT