ACT Mental Health Sector Update: 24 May 2024

A group of people with arms around each other, viewed from behind.

ACT Mental Health Sector Update: 24 May 2024

Dear friends,  
May has been a big month for the country, and the community managed mental health sector. Following the announcement of the Federal Budget, which fell short by way of mental health commitments and spend, we wait with bated breath for the ACT Budget, which will be released on Tuesday the 25th of June. In the meantime, we and other sector and peak leaders will continue advocating with the relevant Ministers and MLAs, for better outcomes for our members and the broader community.  

With this in mind, we have formulated a draft of our Election Platform. Developed by the team following our member advocacy workshop, we have sprinkled in other asks to provide further support and recognition of our members in the community-managed mental health space. We’d love you to read the document and are open to advice, so feel free to contact us at by 31 May please. We will then incorporate the finalised asks in the upcoming Ministerial and MLA meetings that have been scheduled.  
Last week, Rahni, Sebastian and I attended Mental Health Australia’s Members Policy Forum. It was good to be joined by local and interstate colleagues, as well as the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP, and Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, the Hon Emma McBride MP. 

On Tuesday, Sebastian and I attended the Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation in the ACT hearing, where we talked to key recommendations in our March 2024 Submission alongside our friends at the Mental Health Consumer Network. We look forward to continuing to partner with government to overcome loneliness in the ACT.  

We are excited to announce our Post Budget Breakfast on Thursday the 27th of June at the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion at the Arboretum. Minister Davidson will be in attendance, as well as other speakers who will provide thoughts and analysis on the ACT budget released two days’ prior. Breakfast, tea and coffee will be served, and it will be an excellent opportunity to connect with other members and sector colleagues. It’ll likely be a cold morning but don your winter woollies and join us – we’d love to see you. Tickets are $40 via Humanitixs.  

Till next time… 

– Vicky Choice, Director of Engagement and Partnerships MHCC ACT

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