ACT Mental Health Sector Update: 14 June 2024
Dear friends,
It’s hard to believe that six months have passed since I joined MHCC ACT. This is my last sector update, as my contract concludes at the end of June 2024.
It’s been a big year for us so far, and I am immensely proud of the outcomes the team and I have delivered. I extend my thanks to Rahni Orr Deas, Erin Stewart, Sebastian Rosenberg, Louise Crossman, Yvonne Luxford and the MHCC ACT Board.
We all know that the ACT Government needs to invest much more in community managed mental health. Of course, we want to see investment in the form of funding, but I’d also like to see it in the form of acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement of that value we bring to the community. Acknowledgement of the challenges we face. Acknowledgement that at some stage, every person will be directly or indirectly affected by mental health challenges. Acknowledgement of the importance of peer support and lived experience. Acknowledgement that the ACT needs a truly joined-up mental health system, that connects people to the right services when they need it.
I hope the impact of our communications to local Ministers and politicians results in positive change.
To catch you up, this week we finalised MHCC ACT’s Election Platform and we will be circulating this with the political parties, media, and broader Canberra community leading up to the ACT election. Keep an eye on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X) and your inboxes for the Election Platform launch.
Last week I attended a screening of the UnCharitable Movie organised by Fundraising Institute Australia ACT. The film was painfully on point regarding the intense scrutiny that NFP organisations face, and what we could accomplish if we looked at things a little differently. I implore you and your friends to watch it, to spread the message about what and how things can change.
We have also been out and about engaging with members. While I’ve not had the opportunity of meeting every one of you in person, I thank you for your continued efforts, collaboration, and unwavering commitment to serving our community.
I also met with Dr Sarah Miller, Deputy Coordinator General at the Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing, who works alongside Dr Elizabeth Moore. Sarah has deep expertise of and knowledge in the mental health and wellbeing space. We had a fantastic conversation, and it became clear that we share many values and viewpoints.
I would like to acknowledge Elizabeth Moore and thank her for her leadership and support and wish her well for the future at the conclusion of her position at the end of June.
Coming up, we will be attending the 2024 SiTara’s Story Gala on the 22nd of June. This highly anticipated event will be an evening dedicated to women empowerment, gender equality and mental health awareness. Proceeds will benefit the culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) communities in Canberra as well as the mental health awareness programs within marginalised groups in Bangladesh. Get your tickets today!
Lastly, thank you for welcoming and supporting me. It has been truly energising and inspiring to be a part of MHCC ACT and the broader sector, and I look forward to staying connected.
– Vicky Choice, Director of Engagement and Partnerships MHCC ACT