ACT Mental Health Month 2024

For a more connected Canberra

The 2024 theme for Mental Health Month ACT is ‘Connected Canberra’ and this year’s global theme is ‘It’s Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’. Mental Health Month occurs each year in October and encompasses World Mental Health Day on 10 October. It’s an annual event celebrated in over 100 countries to raise community awareness and understanding of mental health, reduce stigma and discrimination in the associated with mental health conditions, and promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Mental Health Month ACT runs from 1 to 31 October. 

In 2024 we’ll be encouraging Priori-tea events across Canberra schools, groups, workplaces and businesses, our Mental Health Month Event Reimbursement Grants are back funding event costs that promote social connection and positive participation with at-risk groups likely to experience loneliness, and to bookend a month of activity and advocacy we’ll be awarding our 2024 Wellbeing Heroes. Read on for more!

Do you know a mental health hero? Nominate them.

2024 Mental Health Awards 

We’re proud to represent a dedicated and inspiring sector. It’s time to recognise their invaluable contribution with an award or scholarship. 
Nominate a mental health champion today for one of our 2024 Mental Health Month Awards from Mental Health Community Coalition ACT,  Carers ACT and the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network. Nominations close Oct 10. 

Click here for more info and to nominate online.

If you’re applying for the Consumer Small Business grant click here to nominate. 

Awards, scholarship and grant categories

The ACT Mental Health Month Awards recognise the achievements of individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and initiatives in the area of mental health in the ACT.

Nominations in the following categories are judged by the Mental Health Month ACT Advisory Committee, a passionate group of people representing those with lived experience and MHCC ACT member organisations.

  • Mentally Healthy Community Award (Individual) 
  • Innovative Person-Centred Supports Award 
  • Research Evaluation Award 
  • Mental Health Carer Award
  • Community Connection Through Recovery Award 
  • Leadership Through Lived Experience Award: Consumer 
  • Lived Experience Ally Recognition Award (Individual)* 
  • Lived Experience Ally Recognition Award (Group)*
  • ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Scholarship* 
  • Rufus Scholarship*
  • David Perrin Award*
  • Consumer Small Business Grant*

* This award is granted by the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network.

To nominate before closing date on Oct 10 for an individual or group (including yourself!) for any of these categories or to find out more, click here and nominate online. If you’re applying for a Consumer Small Business Grant click here to nominate. 

More information for our Mental Health Month awards, scholarships and grants

Mentally Healthy Community Award (Individual)
This award category recognises individuals, groups or organisations who have made a significant contribution using preventative approaches to improving the mental health and wellbeing of our community.

Innovative Person-Centred Supports Award
This award recognises individuals, groups or organisations who have made a significant contribution to the delivery of innovative person-centred supports to people who experience mental health concerns.

Research Evaluation Award
This award category recognises an individual researcher, piece of research or project that has advanced and/or is working towards improvements, innovation and evidence-informed practice in mental health.

Mental Health Carer Award
This award category recognises unpaid carers (family or friends) of people who experience mental health concerns. It is designed to show appreciation for the contribution carers can make to the wellbeing of consumers, advocating on their behalf and often being the primary or only support person.

Community Connection Through Recovery Award
This award category celebrates individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition whose mental health recovery journey has led them to become more involved in their community.

Leadership Through Lived Experience Award: Consumer
This award recognises an individual with lived experience of mental health conditions who has made an outstanding contribution to advocacy and social change benefiting people with lived experience. This can relate to a specific program the consumer has initiated/coordinated or ongoing work in this area.

Sponsored by the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network:

Lived Experience Ally Recognition Award (Individual)
Lived Experience Ally Recognition Award (Group)
This award recognises an individual or organisation with a longstanding and exceptional contribution to mental health consumers and consumer-centred mental health services in the ACT. It acknowledges those who work collaboratively with consumers to achieve positive change.

Consumer Small Business Grant
The Consumer Small Business Grant is designed to support consumers by offering financial and business support to launch or grow their small businesses. This grant is made possible through a partnership between ACT Mental Health Consumer Network, which provides funding of up to $5,000, and Collective Wisdom, which offers essential business support and guidance at a value of $6,300. By nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, this initiative aims to promote independence and wellbeing for consumers working to achieve their career goals.

ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Scholarship 
These scholarships (worth up to $500 a year to a maximum of $2,000 in total) recognise mental health consumers who are furthering their education. They are intended to cover general education expenses such as computers, course texts and course fees.

Rufus Scholarship
Established in December 2019 by a private donor, this Scholarship provides an annual grant of up to $600 to support a mental health consumer who would not otherwise have the financial means to do so to further or continue their education.

David Perrin Award
The award is presented in memory of David Perrin, an individual with multiple disabilities who made his mark in mental health services and was an inspiration to all who knew him. It recognises a mental health consumer who lives an independent and self-determined life beyond what they may have expected after diagnosis.

Wellbeing Priori-Tea

Have a cuppa for mental health.

Each October, we ask Canberrans to take a break in their workplace or community and make mental health a priority by hosting a Wellbeing Priori-Tea.

The Wellbeing Priori-Tea project aims to bring people together to have a chat over a cuppa during Mental Health Month. Talking about our mental health and wellbeing is a great way to raise awareness, foster a sense of belonging, and build connections.

This October, take a break in your workplace or community and make mental health a priority by hosting your own Wellbeing Priori-Tea! It could be a morning tea, afternoon tea or high tea, and could be in-person or virtual! You could also use your event to help raise donations for a mental health charity of your choice.

Tag us in your Wellbeing Priori-Tea on social media and we'll share the love #MentalHealthMonth2024